As contemporary social life gets more and more complicated, voices expressing concern are getting louder and louder… However, even in times like these, the world is full of voiceless voices that continue to shine quietly. P3 director Takashi Serizawa was a founding member of “silent voice LLP” that was established in December 2006 as a vehicle for listening to all the silent voices in the world, inspired by a belief in alternative ways into the future. Activities to date include the production and distribution of several documentary movies.
silent color silent voice
2008 / 81 min
Director: Ayako Mogi
Chief Producer: Takashi Serizawa
Distributors: silent voice LLP, production Hanashiro
Nami no Oto
2011 / 142 min.
Directors: Ko Sakai, Ryusuke Hamaguchi
Distributor: silent voice LLP
Nami no Koe: Kesennuma, Nami no Koe: Shinchi
2013 / 109 min. (Kesennuma), 103 min. (Shinchi)
Directors: Ko Sakai, Ryusuke Hamaguchi
Producer: silent voice LLP
Utau Hito
2013 / 120 min.
Directors: Ko Sakai, Ryusuke Hamaguchi
Producer/distributor: silent voice LLP