2 March - 6 April 1996
Location: Tochoji Temple Auditorium P3
Claude Gosselin of the Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal and art critic Tadashi Ogura collaborated to produce this exhibition. The two regularly exchange information regarding the situation of contemporary art and artists in their two countries and organize a show every two years.
Held in 1996, the first of the series was Robert Racines from Canada whose work was shown at P3 and Hiroshi Sugimoto whose work was shown at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo.
Organized by: Exhibition of Two Contemporary Artists from Canada and Japan, Tokyo Office, Canadian Embassy, P3 art and environment
Supported by: Que´bec Council for the Arts and Literature, Canada Council for the Arts, Montreal Arts Council, Province of Quebec Office in Japan
Subsidized by: Japan Arts Fund, Nomura Cultural Foundation
Sponsored by: Amway Japan, Matsushita Electric Industrial
Production Support: Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal, Galerie Rene Blouin (Montreal), Gallery Koyanagi (Tokyo)